Saturday, January 2, 2010

Punch in. Day One. (Ugh)

The sole purpose of this page is because not 15 minutes ago I made my boyfriend swear he wouldn't tell anyone about our little promise. And now I have to tell someone. So I'll tell the emptiness of this space.


How ridiculous a little thing to keep secret, but this is why: I quit everything, even quitting. My longest success period was just over 1 year. And then I caved and believed myself by saying 'Just one'. That was 3 years ago.

I started smoking when I was 13 years old, so that's nearly 17 years (minus one). 16 years. And yeah, I had started because I wanted to be cool. And it was. And now my entire apartment stinks like my grandparents house.

I'm also a singer, so the Duh Factor there is pretty big.

I'm also an asthmatic. Yeah. There's that Duh Factor again.

So basically this is where I'll allow myself to spill my guts about the Quit (among other things). If ever ANYONE at all decides to read this, feel free to ask me questions. It entertains me and, well let's face it, I'll be a ball of energy for the next few days, so keep me entertained.

Smoke free : 11 hours, 6 minutes


  1. Hey there,

    I saw your link to this blog on my FB homepage. The title caught my attention, so I decided to click and see what it was all about. Smoking addiction hits close to home for me, so I decided to leave you a little note of encouragement. You barely know me, and I barely know you, but I know you have quite a bit of guts. And I think you can do this.

    As someone who is just about to reach adulthood and has never touched a cigarette, I have so many questions... But I'll narrow it down to a single one: what went through your mind the first time you took a puff?

    If it breaks my heart every time to see a young, healthy, person smoke, it makes me smile when I see one who decides to quit.

    Good luck, and keep on singing.

    PS.: Don't be too hard on yourself about quitting quitting. Did you know that most smokers try quitting more than once before they finally succeed?

  2. Hey Lorem,

    Thanks for the vote of confidence! I actually do remember my first thought when I picked up that single little cigarette that was lying on the floor in front of my locker way back when : "Meh, I'm sure this isn't going to be as bad as... *cough fit*"

    All I can say is that I quickly became addicted to the thought of being a smoker... much quicker than I realized that thought was only due to actually being addicted to the nicotine.

    And as to quitting the quit, I have succeeded in that many times (7 so far), so I'm less stressed out about it. I decided to journal this quit because I have a calm assertiveness about it. This is it.
